Sanyi Miali EL Camp (update written by Joshua)
Just finished the last camp of Taiwan STM 2018. It was in Miaoli, where we worked with a poor Hakka church. The camp consisted of kids ages 5-14 which is a huge age gap, making a lot of theteaching harder. On the first day many of the kids were very energetic and hard to control, but God was good. After that first day, the kids were a lot more willing to listen, and were more attentive during classes. We had several troublemakers, but we tried our best to love them, even though we had to get pretty strict sometimes. We had small group leaders from the church, who were pretty timid and not engaged at first, but thankfully were willing to change and get closer to the kids. This was essential as they will be the people in contact with the kids and their families since we’re all gone.
During the third day of camp after most of the kids had warmed up to the small group leaders and teachers, the music and american culture teachers shared the gospel to the children. In addition, thepastor shared the gospel during his lunchtime bible story as well. While the kid normally were pretty rowdy, praise God, as they seemed more attentive and willing to pay attention during these times. Pray that they would continue to be interested in such topics! We also had 15 house visits, where we shared the gospel, as well as a parenting class taught by Peng-Fei ai-yi, and through these times we were also able to share the gospel.
Overall the camp was a difficult one because of the age gap between kids, as well as many health problems among the team members, but God was graceful in providing energy and patience to both the coworkers from the church, as well as the members from the i42 team. Praise God for all that he has done this year through us!
In Christ,